European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Estimating the costs of work-related accidents and ill-health: An analysis of European data sources
European Risk Observatory

marzo 2017


Table of Contents
List of figures and tables
List of abbreviations
Executive summary
1 Introduction
2 Background

2.1 Problem size

3 Identification of data sources: methodology and results

3.1 Template development: cases

3.1.1 Categories
3.1.2 Template structure

3.2 Template development: costs

3.2.1 Categories
3.2.2 Data requirements and template structure

3.3 Harmonisation of the templates
3.4 Data collection with the templates
3.5 Country profiles

4 Quality assessment - methodology and results

4.1 Number of cases

4.1.1 Estimation of the number of cases
4.1.2 Methodology
4.1.3 Results

4.2 Costs

4.2.1 Cost types and categories
4.2.2 Methodology
4.2.3 Results

5 Discussion of findings

5.1 Data gaps
5.2 Validity of national data sources
5.3 How to deal with missing or unreliable data

5.3.1 No data in specific countries
5.3.2 Multiple imputation
5.3.3 Underreporting of accidents

5.4 Outlook and possible next steps

6 References
Annex A: Country profiles (summarised)
Annex B: Accident data
Annex C: Work-related diseases
Annex D: Presenteeism
Annex E: All morbidity
Annex F: Costs
List of figures and tables
Figure 1: Availability and quality of the international and national data sources on accidents at work
Figure 2: Availability and quality of the international and national data sources on presenteeism
Figure 3: Coverage of the international and national data sources for healthcare costs
Figure 4: Coverage of the international and national data sources on productivity costs
Figure 5: The availability of international and national data sources for additional costs
Table 1: Overview of tasks and main activities
Table 2: Schematic overview of the information collected (example: work-related diseases)
Table 3: Schematic overview of the structure used in the costs template (the example pertains to productivity costs)
Table 4. Individual cost types by category

© European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2017
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.