European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Nicola Stacey, Peter Ellwood, Sam Bradbrook, John Reynolds, Huw Williams, David Lye

Foresight on new and emerging occupational safety and health risks associated with digitalisation by 2025
European Risk Observatory


Table of contents

Executive summary
Main objectives
Main findings
1 Introduction
Aims and objectives
Project structure
Project scope
Purpose of this report
2 Developing the scenarios
2.1 Identification of trends and drivers of change
2.2 Consolidation of trends and drivers of change
2.3 Identification of key trends and drivers of change
2.4 Development of the initial base scenarios
2.5 Development of OSH scenarios
2.6 Development of scenario visualisations
2.7 Testing and consolidation of scenarios
3 Potential impacts of ICT-ETs on jobs in the four scenarios
4 Scenario descriptions
5 OSH implications
6.1 Overview
6.2 Work equipment and tools
6.3 Organisation and management of work
6.4 Business structures, hierarchies and relationships
6.5 Workforce characteristics
6.6 Responsibilities for OSH
6.7 Skills, knowledge and information
6 Conclusions
7 References
8 Glossary
Appendix A — Lists of participants
Appendix B — Workshop agendas
Appendix C — Data from OSH scenario development workshop (WS2-2)
C1 Scenario 1: Evolution
C2 Scenario 2: Transformation
C3 Scenario 3: Exploitation
C4 Scenario 4: Fragmentation
Appendix D — Data from scenario testing workshop (WS2-3)
D1 Scenario 1: Evolution
D2 Scenario 2: Transformation
D3 Results for Scenario 3 — Exploitation
D4 Results for Scenario 4: Fragmentation
D5 Wind tunnelling of policies across all scenarios
D6 Individual vote on which scenario was most likely
Appendix E — Key trends and drivers of change
Appendix F - Cross-scenario analysis of key drivers and uncertainties





© European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2018
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged
