European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Management of occupational health and safety in European workplaces - evidence from the Second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER-2)

European Risk Observatory

Table of Contents

List of figures and tables
1 Introduction
1.1 The contribution made by ESENER
1.2 The aim of this project
2 Methods
2.1 Phase 1: Factors associated with high levels of good OHS and PSR management practice and management commitment
2.1.1 Typology analyses
2.2 Phase 2: Worker representation and wider contexts
2.2.1 Worker representation
2.2.2 Wider contexts
2.3 Phase 3: Some workplace-level differences
2.4 Summary
3 Establishments where the implementation of high levels of good practice is more likely
3.1 Factors associated with high levels of good practices
3.2 Establishment typologies
3.2.1 Health risk management measures and associations with low levels of good practice and management commitment
3.3 Reasons for addressing health and safety issues and survey respondents
3.3.1 Reasons for, and barriers to, addressing health and safety issues
3.3.2 Differences by respondent type
3.4 Summary
4 The influence of worker representation and wider contexts
4.1 Worker representation
4.2 Wider contexts
4.3 Summary
5 Possible differentiating factors
5.1 Establishments that do not carry out risk assessments
5.2 Training
5.3 Summary
6 Conclusions
7 References



© European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2018
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