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Time to Act for SDG 8 : Integrating Decent Work, Sustained Growth and Environmental Integrity

10 July 2019


Executive Summary

1. What progress has been made towards SDG 8?
1.1. Sustained economic growth and development
1.2. Inclusive economic growth and decent work for all women and men
1.3. Sustainable growth: Ensuring environmental integrity
1.4. Summary of progress on SDG 8
2. Dynamic interlinkages for sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth and development
2.1. The dynamics of sustained economic growth: Transformative change in the economy and society
2.2. Inclusive economic growth and development through social inclusion and decent work
2.3. Sustainable economic growth and development: The need to achieve environmental integrity through social justice
2.4. Regional patterns of progress towards SDG 8
3. An integrated policy framework for achieving SDG 8
3.1. National employment policies aimed at achieving full and productive employment and decent work for all, including young people
3.2. Labour standards and labour market institutions, and their role in promoting inclusion, equity and security
3.3. Social dialogue, information and partnerships to achieve SDG 8

Appendix I. Availability of data for SDG 8 indicators and other relevant labour market indicators
Appendix II. Country groupings
Appendix III. Methodology, data and interpretation of the rose charts
Interpretation of the indicator rankings and subregional performance
Appendix IV. Integrated policy framework and SDG 8 targets
Appendix V. SDG 8 targets, relevant international labour standards and their ratification status, and relevant SDG indicators
Table 1.1. Targets and associated indicators under SDG 8
Table II.1 Country groupings by region and subregion
Table II.2 Country groupings by income group
Table III.1. List of indicators, thresholds for ranking achievement, and rationale for ranking scale used
Table III.2: Data tables – Weighted subregional averages
Figure 1.1. Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita, global and by country income group, 2000–18 (percentages)
Figure 1.2. Real gross domestic product per employed person, by country income group, 2000–18 (2000=1)
Figure 1.3. Proportion of informal employment in non-agricultural employment, by sex and country income group, latest year (percentages)
Figure 1.4. Three indicators measuring the accessibility of financial services, by country income group, latest available year
Figure 1.5. Distribution of unemployment rate by age, sex, disability status and country income group, 2018 (percentages)
Figure 1.6. Wage premium for men relative to women, by occupation, latest available year (percentages)
Figure 1.7. Young people not in employment, education or training, by sex, global and by country income group, 2005 and 2018 (percentages)
Figure 1.8. Number of children (aged 5–17 years) involved in child labour, actual and projected trend lines, 2000–25
Figure 1.9. Rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries, European Union and rest of the world, latest available year (since 2010)
Figure 1.10. Domestic material consumption per capita and per unit of GDP, 2000–16
Figure 2.1. Economic complexity and labour productivity, selected countries, 2017
Figure 2.2. The dynamics of sustained growth: A virtuous circle of economic and social transformation
Figure 2.3. The four complementary pillars of inclusive growth and development
Figure 2.4. Nested interdependencies between economy, society and environment
Figure 2.5. Integrating economic, social and environmental targets for sustainable development
Figure 2.6. Performance in the three dimensions of SDG 8 in Europe and the Americas
Figure 2.7. Performance in the three dimensions of SDG 8 in Asia and the Pacific
Figure 2.8. Performance in the three dimensions of SDG 8 in Africa and the Arab States
Figure 2.9. Average subregional performance patterns in each of the three dimensions of SDG 8
Figure 3.1. The “policy spiral” for Sustainable Development Goal 8
Box 1.1. New statistics for “labour underutilization”
Box 1.2. Labour rights in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals
Box 2.1. The dimensions of SDG 8, and associated indicators used to assess achievement
Box 3.1. Sustainable Development Goal indicator 8.b.1 on youth employment
Box 3.2. The National Employment Strategy of Morocco
Box 3.3. Macroeconomic policies for adjustment and recovery in Portugal: An alternative to austerity
Box 3.4. Structural transformation in Uganda
Box 3.5. The path towards regular employment in China
Box 3.6. Development of “green” enterprises and entrepreneurship: Selected country examples
Box 3.7. Facilitating sustainable decent work through the Expanded Public Works Programme in South Africa
Box 3.8. Financing lifelong learning
Box 3.9. Comprehensive care policies
Box 3.10. The coordination and governance of employment policies in selected countries
Box 3.11. Fundamental principles and rights at work
Box 3.12. The “Better Work” programme: Improving working conditions in the global garment industry
Box 3.13. South Africa: Green Economy Accord
Box 3.14. How the Sustainable Development Goals can revitalize social dialogue: The case of Costa Rica
Box 3.15. Main features of the resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization adopted by the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians in 2013




Copyright © International Labour Organization 2019