European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

David Walters, Richard Johnstone, Elizabeth Bluff, Hans Jørgen Limborg, Ulrik Gensby


Improving compliance with occupational safety and health regulations: an overarching review
European Risk Observatory


Part 1: Preliminary matters ― background, scope, key concepts and methods..
1.1 Background to the overarching review
1.2 Questions of scope and definition
1.3 Aims and organising principles
1.4 The analytical framework of the overarching review: regulatory studies
1.5 Research methods
1.6 The structure of the study
Part 2: The main findings of the overarching review and their implications for policy and research
2.1 Analytical framework — regulatory concepts and theory
2.2 Challenges for supporting compliance presented by changing work arrangements and EU Member State contexts
2.3 Societal norms, social reporting and support for securing compliance
2.4 Economic incentives and the business case
2.5 Supporting compliance and better OSH practice through leverage in supply chain relations
2.6 Prevention services and support for compliance and better OSH practice
2.7 Encouraging novel approaches by OSH regulators
2.8 Conclusions from the overarching review and some reflections
Part 3: Implications for further research on supporting compliance and better OSH practice
3.1 Some key research questions emerging from the overarching review
3.2 What kind of research should be carried out and how?
3.3 New research projects
3.3.1 Innovative approaches of regulatory agencies
3.3.2 Supporting compliance and better OSH practice through leverage in supply chain relations
3.3.3 Future research on social norms in support of OSH
3.3.4 Economic incentives and the business case
3.3.5 Prevention services
3.3.6 National contexts and change
3.4 Recommendations
List of figures and tables
Figure 1: Parker and Nielsen’s holistic compliance model, applied in this overarching review
Table 1: Potential research questions drawn from the overarching review

© European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2021
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
