European Maritime Safety Agency


COVID-19 – impact on shipping

24 July 2020


Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Executive summary
3. Impact on ship calls to EU ports
3.1 General statistics
3.2 Statistics per ship type
3.3 Statistics per Member State
3.4 Statistics per port
4. Impact on ships flying the flags of EU Member States
4.1 General statistics
4.2 Statistics per ship type
5. EU – China and EU – US traffic
5.1 Introduction and methodology
5.2 General picture between Europe and China/US
5.3 Trade between China and Europe by ship type
5.4 Trade between US and Europe by ship type
6. Impact on cruise ships and other passenger ships
6.1 Cruise ship calls
6.2 Total number of Persons on Board (PoB) for cruise ships and other passenger ships
7. Impact on vessel movement patterns
8. Congestion at anchorages in EU waters

