Categoria: 2012
Visite: 4858

Lecce Chart:
Guidelines for the Reforme Network 2012‐2016

Having regarded to:

• the conclusions of the European Council of 12 May 2009 and the communication from the Commission of 9 June 2009, confirmed in the Bruges Communiqué of 7 December 2010 on enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training for the period 2011-2020,

• the strategic choices of the Construction Industry, related to the Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the countries represented within the Reforme European network,

The partner organisations decide to follow up their collaboration to strengthen attractiveness and excellence of the Vocational Education and Training aiming at construction crafts in Europe.

The partners consider the following objectives as strategic for the period 2012-2016:

(1) Promoting attractiveness of the construction crafts in Europe, as well as the initial vocational education leading to them.

(2) Contributing to the excellence of the initial and continuing education and training to the construction crafts, in link with the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQAVET).

(3) Consolidating educative and training actions targeting not only professional qualification but also equity, social inclusion and active citizenship.

(4) Using the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) for transparency and transfer of learning outcomes.

(5) Encouraging creativity and innovation in the initial and continuing vocational education and training by taking into account the evolution of crafts and the labour market needs.

(6) Investing in the pedagogical quality of teachers, trainers and other VET professionals to improve professional and social inclusion of learners.

(7) Reinforcing European training paths concerning as well as learners as VET professionals and based on the European Quality Chart for the Mobility.

(8) Creating opportunities for a mutual learning and an exchange of good practice in the VET fields considered as priorities.

(9) Including sustainable development within the VET paths as a factor influencing the evolution of crafts in the construction industry.

(10) Promoting health and safety prescriptions in the construction industry at all levels of initial education, further training and professional activities.

Lecce, 16 June 2012