European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Aleksandra Jedynska, Eelco Kuijpers, Claudia van den Berg, Astrid Kruizinga, Marie Meima and Suzanne Spaan

Biological agents and work-related diseases: results of a literature review, expert survey and analysis of monitoring systems

European Risk Observatory
Annex to a literature Review




Annex 1: Methodology scientific literature search
A. Development of search strategy
B. Initial screening of output literature search
C. Search strings as described in the project proposal
D. Final search strings as applied in the different databases
Information about biological agents and/or health effects
Information about monitoring systems for biological agents and/or health effects
Information about databases for biological agents and/or health effects
Information about EU Directive 2000/54/EC
Annex 2: Questionnaire about work-related diseases due to biological agents
Instructions for answering the questions
Part 1: General questions
Part 2: National monitoring systems, sentinel and alert systems and national health provisions
Part 3: Initiatives at (inter)national level
Part 4: Description of cases
Annex 3: List of papers that met inclusion criteria
3A Reviews of biological agents (excluding allergens)
3B Reviews of allergens
3C Monitoring systems
3D Databases
3E Directive 2000/54/EC
3F List of publications that were identified from the websites of EU-OSHA, Eurostat and OECD
Annex 4: Detailed overview of questionnaire results
Annex 5: Overview of evaluated literature per topic
5A Overview of literature evaluated on biological agents (excluding allergens)
5B Overview of literature evaluated on allergens
5C Overview of literature evaluated on monitoring systems.
5D Overview of literature evaluated on databases
5E Overview of literature evaluated with respect to Directive 2000/54/EC
Annex 6: More detailed output from the Dutch registration system for occupational diseases
Annex 7: More detailed output from the French registration system for occupational diseases

© European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2019
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged

novembre 2019