Marco Mecchia, Roberto Addia, Bianca Antonelli, Daniela Bellomo, Rosanna Bevilacqua, Chiara Buffa, Daniela Candido, Raffaella Compagnoni, Claudio Correzzola, Pietro Crescenza, Pietro De Blasi, Laura De Filippo, Emma Della Penda, Rosella Di Benedetto, Silvana Di Stefano, Luca Gambacciani, Giuseppe Gargaro, Maria Gullo, Emma Incocciati, Annamaria Iotti, Roberto Luzzi, Enrico Marchesi, Giuseppe Mita, Pietro Mura, Luca Nori, Carlo Novi, Nunzio Papapietro, Francesca Pisanelli, Bianca Rimoldi, Giuseppe Salza, Patrizia Santucciu, Roberto Sciarrino, Luca Valori, Carlo Zecchi
Silica exposure Database
Report 2000-2019
february 2022
PART 1. Data acquisition and processing methodology
1.1 The INAIL Silica Exposure Database
1.2 Crystalline silica polymorphs: quartz and cristobalite
1.3 Personal, static and bulk samples
1.4 Workplace sampling
1.5 Laboratory analysis
1.6 Classification of working activities
1.7 Correspondence table between CONTARP 2016 and NACE rev. 2 classifications
1.8 Classification of job titles
1.9 Classification of bulk materials
1.10 Statistical parameters and data evaluation criteria
1.11 Organisation of the Report
PART 2. Overview of data on a national scale
PART 3. Exposure data by activity and job title
A1 - Agriculture
B1 - Quarrying of marble, granite and other coherent rocks
B2 - Quarrying of sand and gravel
B3 - Quarrying of clays, pozzolana and feldspar
B4 - Quarrying of pumice stone
C1 - Bituminous membranes
C2 - Paints, glues and adhesives
C3 - Rubber, plastic, artificial stone
C4 - Glass
C5 - Refractories
C6 - Ceramic tiles
C7 - Bricks
C8 - Ceramic ornamental articles
C9 - Ceramic sanitary fixtures
C10 - Cement
C11 - Concrete products
C12 - Stone working
C13 - Abrasives
C14 - Foundry sand cores
C15 - Iron and steel industry
C16 - Foundries
C17 - Treatment of metals
C18 - Ovens and furnaces
C19 - Jewellery
C20 - Medical and dental instruments
C21 - Denim sandblasting
F1 - Construction
F2 - Tunnel construction, conventional excavation
F3 - Tunnel construction, mechanical excavation
F4 - Sand blasting for building exteriors
PART 4. Quartz content in bulk materials
4.1 Quartz content in settled dust, by production activity
4.2 Quartz content in products and materials
4.3 Quartz content in rocks and aggregates
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