R113 Recommendation concerning Consultation and Co-operation between Public Authorities and Employers' and Workers' Organisations at the Industrial and National Levels
Geneva, 20 giugno 1960
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Forty-fourth Session on 1 June 1960, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to consultation and co-operation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations at the industrial and national levels, which is the fifth item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of a Recommendation,
adopts this twentieth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty, the following Recommendation, which may be cited as the Consultation (Industrial and National Levels) Recommendation, 1960:
(1) Measures appropriate to national conditions should be taken to promote effective consultation and co-operation at the industrial and national levels between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations, as well as between these organisations, for the purposes indicated in Paragraphs 4 and 5 below, and on such other matters of mutual concern as the parties may determine.
(2) Such measures should be applied without discrimination of any kind against these organisations or amongst them on grounds such as the race, sex, religion, political opinion or national extraction of their members.
2. Such consultation and co-operation should not derogate from freedom of association or from the rights of employers' and workers' organisations, including their right of collective bargaining.
3. In accordance with national custom or practice, such consultation and co-operation should be provided for or facilitated:
(a) by voluntary action on the part of the employers' and workers' organisations; or
(b) by promotional action on the part of the public authorities; or
(c) by laws or regulations; or
(d) by a combination of any of these methods.
4. Such consultation and co-operation should have the general objective of promoting mutual understanding and good relations between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations, as well as between these organisations, with a view to developing the economy as a whole or individual branches thereof, improving conditions of work and raising standards of living.
5. Such consultation and co-operation should aim, in particular:
(a) at joint consideration by employers' and workers' organisations of matters of mutual concern with a view to arriving, to the fullest possible extent, at agreed solutions; and
(b) at ensuring that the competent public authorities seek the views, advice and assistance of employers' and workers' organisations in an appropriate manner, in respect of such matters as:
(i) the preparation and implementation of laws and regulations affecting their interests;
(ii) the establishment and functioning of national bodies, such as those responsible for organisation of employment, vocational training and retraining, labour protection, industrial health and safety, productivity, social security and welfare; and
(iii) the elaboration and implementation of plans of economic and social development.
Fonte: ILO